Abraham (Tunis) Tunes
Beatrix (Boetzen) Luken
John Williams
Ellin Klincken
Anthony Tunis
Mary Williams
Joseph Tunis


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Joseph Tunis 1

  • Born: 8 Feb 1735, Merion, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Died: 13 May 1773 at age 38

  General Notes:

Joseph Tunis, Merion. Will proved May 19, 1773. Signed 3 Mo. 31, 1772.
Mentions brothers-in-law, Isaac Kite, Anthony Leverin - Sisters, Hannah Righter, Bethsheba Griffith, Agnes Leverin, Catharine Kite, Elizabeth Righter.
Nephew, Anthony Righter. Executor, Uncle, Anthony Williams. Kinsmen Edward Heston and wife. Nieces and Nephews, Susannah Griffith and children of brother Abraham, deceased. Sisters Eleanor Cook (dec'd); Alice Lees (dec'd).
Executors, Bethsheba Griffith, Anthony Williams, John Price. Witnesses, Thomas Rose, John Kite, Robt. Holland, Lewis Scothorn, Charles Horton, Joseph Price.
10, 30, 1759. Peter Righter of Merion, and Elizabeth Tunis, dau. of Anthony of the same place, at Merion Meeting. Wit: Elizabeth, Bartel, and Hannah Righter; Anthony, Mary, Abraham and Joseph Tunis.

June 2, 1773
The Pennsylvania Gazette

Agreeable to the last Will and Testament of JOSEPH TUNIS, deceased, A VALUABLE plantation and tract of land, situate in Lower Merion Twp., 7 miles from Philadelphia, on the road leading from thence to Lancaster, containing about 260 acres, whereon are built a large stone house and barn, a still house, milk house, &c. with a large orchard, of divers kinds of fruit. Also two wooden tenements at some distance, with a good orchard to each. The land is good and fertile, with a sufficient quantity of meadow, and near one half woodland, well timbered. Enquire of BETHSHEBA GRIFFITH, Executrix, <--?--> on said place, ANTHONY WILLIAMS, or JOHN PRICE, Executors.

There are likewise to be exposed to sale, by way of public vendue, the 22d day of June inst. on the plantation aforesaid, several breading mares, one yearling colt, cattle, sheep and swine, corn in the ground; rye and Indian corn, by the bushel; a waggon, plow and harrow, and divers other kinds of husbandry utensils; also houshold goods, such as beds, bedsteads and bedding, a desk, clock, tables and chairs, one large brass kettle, pots, pewter, and many other things; also two good stills, one holding about three barrels, with tubs and worms belonging thereto. Six months credit will be given, for all sums above Twenty Shillings, on good security, and for all sums under, ready money will be expected. Attendance will be given by the executors aforesaid.

N.B. The plantation will be exposed to public sale, if not sold before the vendue.

September 15, 1773
The Pennsylvania Gazette

PURSUANT to the last will and testament of JOSEPH TUNIS, deceased, will be sold, at public VENDUE, on the 14th day of October next, on the premises, the PLANTATION and TRACT of LAND, whereon he dwelt, situate in Lower Merion Twp., 7 miles from the city of Philadelphia, containing 240 acres, to be divided into two parts, viz. The first part containing 140 acres, or thereabouts, is situated on each side of Lancaster road, whereon are a large convenient stone dwelling house, a large stone barn, a still house, milk house, and granary; on this tract id a large orchard, with a variety of the best fruit, and a sufficient quantity of meadow and woodland; there is also, on the lower part of this tract, a small wooden tenement, a thriving young orchard, and a spring of good water near the house. The other part, containing about 100 acres, lies contiguous to the above, whereon is commodious wooden tenement, with a spring of good water near the same, about 25 acres of clear land, some meadow, and more may be made, and a thriving young orchard; the remainder of this tract is excellent woodland. The soil of the whole is good and fertile, and the fences in good order.

At the same time will be sold, two good copper stills, with worms, &c. appurtenant thereon, one of them containing 100 gallons, the other near half that quantity. Any person, inclined to purchase either of the abovementioned, may enquire of JOHN PRICE, near the same, view the premises, and for a draft of the land, the title whereof is indisputable, and the conditions of the payments will be made known, at the time of sale, by ANTHONY WILLIAMS, JOHN PRICE, Executors.

Any persons indebted to the estate of JOSEPH TUNIS, deceased, are desired to make speedy payment; and those who have any demands against said estate, to bring in their accounts, properly proved, and receive their just demands from the Executors aforesaid.

N.B. The sale to begin at one of the clock said day.

April 20, 1774
The Pennsylvania Gazette

ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of JOSEPH TUNIS, late of Lower Merion, deceased, for Goods bought at Vendue, or otherwise, are once more desired to make speed Payment, to save Cost and further Trouble; and those that have any Demands against the Estate to bring in their Accounts to ANTHONY WILLIAMS, or JOHN PRICE, Executors. 2


1 Church of the Latter Day Saints, http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/AF/family_group_record.asp?familyid=4484991&frompage=99.

2 Karen Greim Mullian, Ancestry and Descendants of Richard and Mary (Wood) Bonsall (http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=bonsall&id=I00182).

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