Peter Himes
Margaret Wonder
Jacob Himes


Family Links

1. Mary Ann Lamer

Jacob Himes 1

  • Born: 28 Aug 1816 2
  • Marriage (1): Mary Ann Lamer on 22 Mar 1838 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA

  General Notes:

Jacob HIMES, b. 28Aug1816


biography from Portrait & Biographical Album of Mahaska Co., Iowa, 1887

JACOB HIMES, one of the early settlers of Mabaska County, was born in York County, Pa., Aug 28, 1816, and is a son of Peter and Margaret (Wonder) Himes; the former was born in 1786, and died in 1826; the latter was born in 1792,and died in 1859. Peter Himes was drafted in the War of 1812, but hired a substitute on ac- count of his young family. He was the father of three children: Mary, who married M. H. Mum- per, and died in Cumberland County, Ill., in 1849; Jacob is the subject of this sketch; and one child died in infancy. Mrs. Himes was again married, to Peter Lauck, and to them three children were born, one living, David C., in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Himes were members of the German Reformed Church for many years, but in later years united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The subject of this sketch was raised on a farm, receiving his education in a subscription school, and finished his school education before he was eleven years old. He was a close student and quick to learn. His father died when he was ten years old, and at the age of fifteen he was apprenticed to the blacksmith trade for three years. The first year he received his board and clothes, and was allowed one week, during harvest time, and permitted to have what he could earn during that week. He served his full aprenticeship, and received $30 in cash, with which to start out In life, and opened up a shop where his father had worked before him. He continued his studies, and before he reached the age of twenty-one was employed to teach the school in the district where he had been raised. Mr. Himes was married, in Cumberland County, Pa., March 22, 1838, to Miss Mary Ann Lamer. She was born in Cumberland County, Sept. 1,1820, and was a daughter of Abraham and Mary (Camp- bell) Lamer, who were the parents of seven chil- dren: Eliza, Mary Ann, William, Margaret, Abra- ham, Fanny and John. Mr. and Mrs. Lamer re- moved from Cumberland County, Pa, to Venango County. The mother was a member of the Luth- eran Church. In the same year, Jacob Himes re- moved to the same county, where he opened a shop and worked at his trade, remaining there until 1847, when he removed to Logan County, Ohio, and worked at his trade until the year 1856, when he came to Mahaska County and purchased land in Garfield Townahip, improved the same, and resided thereon until 1870, when he moved to Oskaloosa, where he has since resided. Mr. and Mrs. Himes are the parents of seven children; Sarah Jane, born Jan. 1, 1839, is the wife of David D. Ross, of this county; George W., born June 1, 1840, was Orderly Sergeant in Co. E, 33d Iowa Vol. Inf., and died from disease con- tracted in the service Sept. 4, 1863; Theodore, born Jan. 24, 1842, was also a member of the 33d Iowa Infantry, was taken sick in the service, brought home, and died Nov. 14,1863; Jacob M., born June 22, 1844, enlisted in the same regiment as a private soldier serving until the close of the war, and participated in all the engagements of his regiment; he is now a resident of Adams County, Iowa; David A., born Oct 26, 1846, is a farmer in Mahaska County; he enlisted in the service twice, but was rejected as under age; Mary M., born Aug. 16, 1851, was married to G. S. Prine, and died Feb. 13, 1871; Edwin K. was born July 16, 1860, and is at present Assistant Cashier of the Oskaloosa Na- tional Bank. Mr. and Mrs. 4Himes are members of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. They have been iden- tified with this county for thirty years, and have been observers of its wonderful growth and pros- perity. That they enjoy the highest regard of their numerous friends and acquaintances is not at all strange. They are high-minded, honorable peo- ple, honest and upright in all their dealings with their fellow-citizens, and generous and liberal wherever and whenever their charity is invoked.

Jacob married Mary Ann Lamer, daughter of Abraham Lehmer and Mary Campbell, on 22 Mar 1838 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA. (Mary Ann Lamer was born on 1 Sep 1820 in Cumberland County.)


1 David A. Baker.

2 Jacob HImes - biography from Portrait & Biographical Album of Mahaska Co., Iowa, 1887.

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