Leas Father of twins Leonard and John Leas
(Abt 1685-)
Mother of twins Leonard and John Leas
(Abt 1685-)
Leonard Leas


Family Links

1. Salome Worley

Leonard Leas 2

  • Born: 1710, York County, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Marriage (1): Salome Worley about 1742 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA 1
  • Died: 16 Nov 1782, Reading Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA at age 72
  • Buried: Nov 1782, Markey Burial Ground, Davidsburg, Washington Township, York County, Pennsylvania, USA

   Other names for Leonard were Leonard Lascht and Leonard Leist.

  General Notes:

York Co. Will Book #63, will dtd 17 Nov 1782, probated 19 Dec 1782. Rcvd patent (PA deed) for land in 1743 and per 1783 Tax list, owned 120 acres. Buried in Markey Burial Grnd near Markey's fording on Conewago Creek. Will gives land to wife and unmarried children to live with mother providing they help their mother "work the place", but they that will not, "must turn off and provide for themselves". One year after his decease, executors authorized to sell plantation and tract of land. Son, Daniel given portion.

Wills: Abstracts 1749-1819: Surnames L - O: York Co, PA (http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/pa/york/wills/willabstrl-o.txt):

LEAS, Leonard. Reading Township.
November 7, 1782 December 9, 1782
Executors: Mathias Maloan and Michael Kimmel.
Children: William, Mary m. George Neas, Ursilla m. John Cough, Eleanor m. ----
Abraham, John, Benjamin, Catharine, Jacob, Sarah, and Daniel.
Granddaughter: Mary Jones (parents' names not given).

Additional information provided by Kathryn (Leas) Stuart:

Subj: [LEAS] Leonard and Salmy Lease sell 294+ acres in York County to Peter Wirtz - April 4, 1763
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:26:23 -0400
From: allofgrace1@roadrunner.com

True and absolute Proprietors and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware.

To all unto whom these presents shall come Greeting. Whereas in Pursuance of two Warrants one of them dated the first day of July one thousand seven hundred and forty three (1July 1743) and the other dated the tenth day of June one thousand sevenhundred and fifty four there was surveyed unto Leonard Lease Two certain Tracts of Land situate in Reading Township in the County of York which ???? Two Tracts lying contiguous are described in one Tract as follows viz:

Beginning at a marked Chestnut Oak on the West Side of Conewago Creek thence by Vacant Land South forty seven Degrees West one hundred and five Perches to a marked Black Oak, North fifty Degrees West forty Perches to a marked White Oak South fifty Degrees West 78 perches to a marked White Oak South seventy Degrees, West one 134 Perches to a Pine Tree marked on Conewago Creek aforesaid thence down the said Creek on the several Courses thereof 619 Perches to the Place of Beginning containing 294 acres and a half and the usual allowance of 6 acres for Roads and Highways and whereas the said Leonard Lease and Salmy his wife by their deed dated the thirteenth of May last past did for the Consideration therein mentioned grant bargain sell release and confirm the said described Tract of Land and Premises unto Peter Wirtz in Fee As in and by the siad Warrant Survey and Deed (Reference thereunto being had more fully appears ??? at the Instance and Request of the same. Know ye that in consideration of the Sum of Forty five Pounds, Twelve Shillings and Ten Pence Half Penny lawful money of Pennsylvania to our Use paid by the said Peter Wirtz (the Receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge and therof do acquit and forever discharge the said Peter Wirtz, his Heirs and Assigns the said Two hundred and ninety four acres and a half of an acre of Land as the same are now set for the bounded and limited as aforesaid With all Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Meadows, Marshes, Savannahs, Swamps, Cripples, Woods, Underwoods Timber & Trees, Ways, Waters, Watercourses & Liberties Profits Commodities, ???? ??????? ???? and Appertenances whatsoever thereunto belonging in any wise appertaining and lying within the Bounds and Limits aforesaid, Free full and clear fifth Parts of all Royal Mines free from all Deductions and Reprizals for digging and refining the same and also one fifth Part of the Ore of all other Mines delivered at the Pistmouth only excepted and hereby recorded ] and also free Leave Right & Liberty to and for the said Peter Wirtz, his Heirs and Assigns to Hawk, Hunt, Fish and Fowl in and upon the hereby granted Land & Premises or upon any Part thereof To have and to hold the said Two hundred and ninety four acres and a half of an acre of Land and Premises hereby granted (except as before ????) with their Appurtenances unto the said Peter Wirts his Heirs and Assigns To the Only use and Behoof of the said Peter Wirtz, his Heirs and Assigns for Ever To beholden of us our Heirs and Assigns ~ Proprietaries of Pennsylvania as of our Manor of Maske in the County of York aforesaid in free and common ???? by ???? only in Lieu of all other Services yielding and praying therefore yearly unto us our Heirs and Successors at the Town of York in the said County of York at or upon the first day of March in every Year from the first day of March last one half penny (having to do with Quit Rents)

Recorded the 4th day of April 1763


Leonard Leas Will (Provided by Kathryn (Leas) Stuart:

Last Will & Testament of Leonard Leas

Dated 17 November 1782

Probated 19 December 1782 York County, Pennsylvania

Whereas Leonard Leas of Redding Township York County in Pennsylvania being in weakness of body but of sound mind and memory calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of life have made and appointed this my last will and testament revoking and disannulling all other will or wills before by me made, this only to be my last will and testament in manner and form following.

Imprimis, first I commit my soul to God who gave it to me and my body to be deacantly buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named, all funeral charges and other worldly debts everywhere to be paid. I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Sarah one bed of her own chusing with the bedstid and all the furniture thereunto belonging and I also give and bequeath to my said wife one third part of a price of all my Estate both Real and Personal when sold during her life times and after her. Because if any be left I have and order it to be given to my children that is living to be equally devied between them, share and share alike. And I order to be given to my said wife the plantation and tract of land I now live on for and during the term of one year after my decease and the children that is unmarried to live with their mother, during the said term providing they help their said Mother to work the said place, but they that will not help her must turn off and provide for themselves.

I order and derect my executors to give my wife and children that lives with her three months vitlen. I order my said executors after one year be expired after my decease that they shall have full power and authority to see my plantation and tract of land that I now live on and make and execute as good a deed of conveyance for the same to the purchaser as I myself might or could.

I give bequeath and devise unto my son Daniel Leas all that piece of land lying and being on the South Side of the road leading from York Town to Carlisle adjoining the land of Peter Wertz and Big Conewago Creek, it being a part of the plantation and tract of land where on I now dwell together with all the improvements and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to the same to have and to hold the said plantation and tract of land and every part thereof unto the said Daniel Leas his heirs and assigns, he or them paying therabout the sum of sixty pound good Lawful money of gold or silver and to be paid to my Executors two years after my decease and I bequeath to my said son Daniel Leas, one weaver's loom, six pear of gears and reeds. I order and impower my said Executors to sell my Personal Estate either by privet sale or at publick verdue and my lands in the same manner but if the war is not over and satted not to sell it till they see it safe to sell and when the sales is made the money arising from said sales with the money paid for my son Daniel Leas. I order my said Executors to equallly devide the same between my children and that as following to will to my son William Leas, Mary the wife of George Neas, Ursalla the wife of John Cough, Abraham, John, Benjamin, Catharine, Jacob and Sarah Leas, share and share alike, that is to say after the legacy is paid. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Mary Jones the sum of ten pounds to be paid in gold or silver, her mother in her life time being in part advanced by one. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elenors children which she had to Daniel Fahnstick the sum of ten pounds to be paid to them in gold or silver and to be equally divied between them, their mother in her life time being in part advanced.

I constitute and appoint my soninlaw George Neas and my trusty friends Mathias Maloan and Michael Kimmel to act and see the accomplishments of this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning thereof. In testimony whereof I have hereto sett my hand the seventh Day of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty two. (1782)

Signed sealed and delivered by Leonard Leas

the said Leonard Leas as and for

his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us who were present at the

signing and sealing thereof

John Lawshe

David Weber

William Delap

Additional information provided by Kathryn (Leas) Stuart:

Leonard and Salmy lived on the old York to Carlisle Road, probably less than 25
miles south of Carlisle.

Misc (1775): Partly it depended on his religious affiliation. If he was Church
of the Brethren, then probably he refrained from getting involved but if the
family were pro-Revolutionary Lutherans or Reformed then it is possible that we
would find his name on the Militia rolls. Family members were known to be
Brethren but there is also evidence for the Reformed. Leonard's son, John Leas,
enlisted from Berks county and not from York for some reason.

York County had been organized out of Lancaster County in 1749. "Despite the
organization of a new county, the threat of Indian attack and troubles with the
French slowed migration into the new region during the 1750s. With the
successful resolution of the problems, York county's population grew steadily
though not rapidly to almost 5,000 residents by 1770."

LAND (23 Nov 1732):
Tax List (1734): He is listed as Leonard List with 20 acres in Creesam section
of Germantown along with Jacob, Henry and Peter Sell, Mathias Malaan and
Cornelius Nice, names familiar later in York County. Mathias Maloan is
mentioned in his will. Leonard would have been about 24 years of age at the
Property (1743): In 1743, Lancaster County would have been the frontier.
Anything beyond that was then still unopened to unlawful settlements on lands
in Tulpehocken, on the Juniata, Aughwick, Path Valley and on Licking Creek near
the Potomac, which embraced the Big and Little Coves, although some illegally
went into those territories and were later turned back.

Situation (Nov 1755): During this time, there was unrest among the Indians of
Pennsylvania and New York. The Delawares sent this message to the government
declaring, "When Washington was defeated, we, the Delawares, were blamed as the
cause of it. We will now kill. We will not be blamed without a cause. We make
up three parties of Delawares. One party will go against Carlisle, one down
the Susquehanna, and I myself, with another party, will go against Tulpehocken,
to Conrad Weiser."

In his book, "The Life of Conrad Weiser"(Indian agent of Tulpehocken, PA)
written from documentation by a descendant, Rev.C.Z. Weiser, D.D., Rev. Weiser
states, "The condition of the frontier settlers was truly deplorable at this
period. Sickness and savages made their lot a hard one indeed. Appeals to the
Government were made, but a deaf ear was turned to their cries." Many meetings
between the governors of PA and the Indians occurred during this period
including one at Lancaster in May, 1757 and one at Easton in August, 1757.

Still more information provided by Kathryn Leas Stuart:

Birth: 1710
LAND: 23 Nov 1732 Anthony Tunis sold land to Leonard Leist; Germantown, P
Tax List: 1734 Creesam, at the time, part of Germantown, Pennsylvania
Property: 1743 Heidelberg Twp, York Co, Pennsylvania
LAND: 1 Jul 1743 Leonard Lease received two warrant for land - one for 2
LAND: 10 Jun 1754 Leonard Lease purchased land contiguous to his 1743 pur
Situation: Nov 1755 Delaware Indians threaten uprising; Pennsylvania
LAND: 13 May 1762 Leonard and wife, Salmy Lease sold 294 acres of land to
License: 1762 to keep a tavern; Reading Twp, York Co, PA
Misc: 1775 may have been part of the York Couinty Militia that beg
Will: 7 Nov 1782 Reading Twp, York Co, PA
Death: 16 Nov 1782 Reading Twp, York Co, PA
Estate: 18 Dec 1782 Appraisal; York County, Pennsylvania
Burial: Markey Burial Ground, Washington Twp, York Co, PA
Occupation: farmer
Ref #: Leas GB p10
Ref #: LG1950,p30
Marriage: abt 1740
Father: LEIST\\LASCHT ( - )
Mother: Susannah [?] LEAS ( - )

May 13, 1762 Leonard Lease and wife Salmy sold by Deed to Peter Wirtz, 294.5 acres on Big Conewago Creek in Reading Twp, York Co, Pennsylvania.

THOMAS PENN & RICHARD PENN, Esquires true and absolute Proprietors and Governors in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware.

To all unto whom these presents shall come Greeting. Whereas in Pursuance of two Warrants one of them dated the first day of July one thousand seven hundred and forty three (1July 1743) and the other dated the tenth day of June one thousand sevenhundred and fifty four there was surveyed unto Leonard Lease Two certain Tracts of Land situate in Reading Township in the County of York which ???? Two Tracts lying contiguous are described in one Tract as follows viz:

Beginning at a marked Chestnut Oak on the West Side of Conewago Creek thence by Vacant Land South forty seven Degrees West one hundred and five Perches to a marked Black Oak, North fifty Degrees West forty Perches to a marked White Oak South fifty Degrees West 78 perches to a marked White Oak South seventy Degrees, West one 134 Perches to a Pine Tree marked on Conewago Creek aforesaid thence down the said Creek on the several Courses thereof 619 Perches to the Place of Beginning containing 294 acres and a half and the usual allowance of 6 acres for Roads and Highways and whereas the said Leonard Lease and Salmy his wife by their deed dated the thirteenth of May last past did for the Consideration therein mentioned grant bargain sell release and confirm the said described Tract of Land and Premises unto Peter Wirtz in Fee As in and by the siad Warrant Survey and Deed (Reference thereunto being had more fully appears ??? at the Instance and Request of the same. Know ye that in consideration of the Sum of Forty five Pounds, Twelve Shillings and Ten Pence Half Penny lawful money of Pennsylvania to our Use paid by the said Peter Wirtz (the Receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge and therof do acquit and forever discharge the said Peter Wirtz, his Heirs and Assigns the said Two hundred and ninety four acres and a half of an acre of Land as the same are now set for the bounded and limited as aforesaid With all Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Meadows, Marshes, Savannahs, Swamps, Cripples, Woods, Underwoods Timber & Trees, Ways, Waters, Watercourses & Liberties Profits Commodities, ???? ??????? ???? and Appertenances whatsoever thereunto belonging in any wise appertaining and lying within the Bounds and Limits aforesaid, Free full and clear fifth Parts of all Royal Mines free from all Deductions and Reprizals for digging and refining the same and also one fifth Part of the Ore of all other Mines delivered at the Pistmouth only excepted and hereby recorded ] and also free Leave Right & Liberty to and for the said Peter Wirtz, his Heirs and Assigns to Hawk, Hunt, Fish and Fowl in and upon the hereby granted Land & Premises or upon any Part thereof To have and to hold the said Two hundred and ninety four acres and a half of an acre of Land and Premises hereby granted (except as before ????) with their Appurtenances unto the said Peter Wirts his Heirs and Assigns To the Only use and Behoof of the said Peter Wirtz, his Heirs and Assigns for Ever To beholden of us our Heirs and Assigns ~ Proprietaries of Pennsylvania as of our Manor of Maske in the County of York aforesaid in free and common ???? by ???? only in Lieu of all other Services yielding and praying therefore yearly unto us our Heirs and Successors at the Town of York in the said County of York at or upon the first day of March in every Year from the first day of March last one half penny (having to do with Quit Rents)

Recorded the 4th day of April 1763

Robert Bloom, in his History of Adams County mentions that
Leonard Leas owned and operated a tavern in Reading Township.

Information from Find A Grave:

Birth: 1710
Death: Nov. 16, 1782

Leonard Leist was born in 1710; his birthplace is unknown. He is said to have a brother John Lease who took up land in Lancaster County circa 1742, Leonard bought his land July 1, 1743; the tracts are not far from each other. When York County was formed from Lancaster, their land became part of Reading twp, York County, and in 1800 when Adams County was formed from York, the land was part of Reading twp, Adams County.

Leonard married Salome (last name unknown) about 1742; the were the parents of 12 children.

June 10, 1754 Leonard Lease purchased land contiguous to his 1743 purchase, 54.5 acres. He payed 15 pounds 10 shillings per 100 acres and a yearly quit rent of a half-penny sterling per acre. Living conditions were not good at that time; the water was said to be bad and there was much unrest with some Indian tribes. By 1755 the French and Indian War sent some of the pioneer settlers scurrying back eastward to Lancaster, York and Cumberland Counties.

On May 13, 1762, Leonard and wife, Salmy Lease sold the 294 acre tract of land to Peter Wirtz for 45 pounds 12 shillings 10 pence. Leonard was a weaver and ran the only tavern in Reading twp, licensed from 1762 through 1782 and in 1783 the tavern was licensed to his son Daniel.

Leonard made his Last Will & Testament on November 7, 1782; York County Will Book F-63 shows Leonards will as having been probated December 19, 1782. The inventory filed by Executors 1787 shows him to have been a wealthy man for the times. He spells his name LEAS in this document and most of his descendants used that name from that time.

There is some indication that he owned Markey Burial Ground on Conewago Creek, Washington twp, per 1783 Tax List but it is not proven. His tombstone gives his name as Leonard Leist and the inscription is in German.

Notes from www.findagrave.com - Marcia Lynne vonGunden
Leonard Leas was born in 1710, died on 16 Nov 1782 in Reading Township, Adams Co, Pennsylvania and was buried in Nov 1782 in Markey Burial Ground, York Co., PA

He first appears in record when he recorded deed from Penn brothers for land in Reading Township, York Co., PA in 1743 (this is now in Adams Co. of which Gettysburg is the county seat).

His Will is found in Will Book F, page 63, York County, dated November 11, 1782 and probated December 19, 1782.

German origin but may have come through England on way from Germany

This information was provided by Joyce (Lease) Taylor

Leonard married Salome Worley about 1742 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA.1 (Salome Worley was born in Jan 1726 in York, York County, Pennsylvania, USA,3 died on 19 Dec 1810 in Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA 4 and was buried in Upper Bermudian Church Cemetery, Gardners, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA.)


1 Kathryn Elizabeth Stuart.

2 Notes from David A. Leas and/or the 1950 Leas Family Genealogy.

3 Find A Grave, Find A Grave (www.findagrave.com : accessed 12 Jan 2018).

4 Kathryn Elizabeth (Leas) Stuart.

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