Leas Father of twins Leonard and John Leas
(Abt 1685-)
Mother of twins Leonard and John Leas
(Abt 1685-)
Leonard Leas
Salome Worley

John Leas


Family Links

1. Sophia Ziegler

John Leas 1

  • Born: 10 Sep 1755, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Marriage (1): Sophia Ziegler on 6 Feb 1780 in Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Died: 20 May 1847, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA at age 91
  • Buried: Upper Bermudian Church Cemetery, Gardners, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA

  General Notes:

Various birth dates in published materials.DAR Patriot Index shows 1 Sep 1754 source probably applic. of Grace Cameron).Leas Genealogy of 17 Oct 1950, Waterloo Press Printers, Waterloo, IN shows 1755 (pg 23). The unpublished Family Group Sheet of George Keith Minert gives 10 Sep 1755. The upper Bermudian Cem. records (copy at York Co. Hist. Soc.) shows age at death of 91-8-30 and death date of 20 May 1847, which yields 21 Aug 1755. Private in 4th Batt. of Infantry of PA commanded by Major Hezeker (Maj. Nicholas Hausegger).

The DAR application of Susie Metzler Bryan stated the following:

John Leas enlisted in Berks County, Pennsylvania, February 1776, and served as a Private in the Company of Captain North, 4th Battalion of Pennsylvania Infantry commanded by Major Hezeker (Maj. Nicholas Hausegger), Regiment commanded by Colonel Anthony Wayne, afterwards, General Wayne.

The DAR application of June Catherine Weicht Sunday stated the following:

John Leas, enlisted Berks Co. PA, Feb 1776, was a private with Captain North, 4th Battalion of Infantry of Pennsylvania, commanded by Major Hezeker (Maj. Nicholas Hausegger) in Regiment Commanded by Col. Anthony Wayne, afterwards General Wayne, Military Records, Private -- Pension Bureau WF 2133. Volume 58 DAR Pension Record. Spangler Genealogy, page 4415. Family Records: History of DeKalb County, page 892. Tombstone Bermudian Cemetery, Adams County, PA. Tombstone Records Waterloo, IN. Was married to Sophia Ziegler at Hanover, PA (York County) 6 Feb. 1780. Pension Bureau WF 2133, Vol. 58 Daughters of American Revolution Pension Records


Adams County Library System
Local Obituary Search Results

These entries are compiled by the Adams County Library System Staff from public obituaries. Any questions or concerns should be directed to a librarian. Email the librarian at adams@adamslibrary.org

Decedent: Leas, Sr., John
Date of Death:5/20/1847
Place of Death:Tyrone Township
Place of Birth:
Last Residence:Tyrone Township
Source: The Adams Sentinel 05/24/1847
Notes: Patriot of the Revolution.

From the webpage, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/4th-Pennsylvania-Regiment

4th Pennsylvania Regiment

Allegiance: Continental Congress of the United States
Type: Infantry
Active: 1775 - 1783
Command structure: Pennsylvania Line
Current commander:
Ceremonial chief:
Notable actions: Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Sullivan Expedition
Notable commanders: Colonel Anthony Wayne

The 4th Pennsylvania Regiment was raised December 9, 1775 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for service with the Continental Army. The regiment would see action during the New York Campaign, Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth and the Sullivan Expedition. The regiment was furloughed January 17, 1781 at Trenton, New Jersey and disbanded on January 1, 1783.

The following information was provided by Jeffrey Leas:

Re: Will of John Leas

The following are transcriptions of the records in the National Archives
for John & Sophia Leas. They are very interesting to look at,
especially the declaration by Catherine Delap, the sister of John Leas.
This, in combination with the will of Leonard Leas, clearly establishes
the link between this John Leas and his father Leonard Leas. Am not
sure if this was recognized by anyone before. It came as a revelation
to me, anyway, when I received the records about 10 years ago.

[John Leas National Archives]

----------- File Cover Sheet -----------------

File Number: W.2133
In Service: Penn
Leas, John

----------- John Lees Muster Rolls ---------------------

Lees John
5 Pennsylvania Regiment.
(Revolutionary War.)


Card Numbers.

Number of personal papers herein: 0


L 5 Pa.

John Lees
Priv, Capt. Caleb North's Company, in
Colonel Wayne's Regiment, raised
in the State of Pennsylvania.*

Company Muster Roll
of the organization named above for the month
of Jan 5 to Nov. 26, 1776.
Roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga
Nov 26, 1776

Enlisted Feb. 8 1776

* This company was designated at various times as Capt. Caleb
North's and Capt. John Christy's Company.


L 5 Pa.

Jn. Lees
Priv, Capt. Caleb North's Company, in
Colonel Wayne's Regiment, raised
in the State of Pennsylvania.*

Company Muster Roll
of the organization named above for the month
of to May 1777.
Roll dated
May 1777

Appointed Jan 1.
Remarks: Furlow

* This company was designated at various times as Capt. Caleb
North's and Capt. John Christy's Company.

----------- John Leas Pension Card ---------------------

State of

John Leas
Adams Co. in the state of Penn.
who was a Private in the company commanded
of Captain North of the Regt commanded
by Col Wayne in the Penn troops
for 1 year $40.00

Recorded in the state of Pennsylvania
the rate of 40 dollars per annum
commencing the 4th day of March, 1831.

Certificate of Pension issued 8th day of July
1833 and sent to V. King
Gettysburg, PA

Arears to the 4th of March 1833 80.00
Amount of allowance ending 20 Sep 1833 20.00

Revolutionary Claim
accepted 1832

Recorded by D. Brown Clerk
Book E Vol 5 Page 35

------------ John Leas Pension Card (back) -------------

Died 20 May 1849
Letters to Hon Moses
McClead @ Pa Oct 15
Dead 1847

------------ Sophia Leas Pension Card --------------------


Sophia Leas
widow of John Leas
who served in the Revolutionary
war as a Private
Pa Line

Inscribed on the Roll at the rate of
40 dollars 00
Cents per annum to commence on
the 4th Day of March, 1848.

Certificate of Pension issued the
19 day of July 1851
and sent to
V. Ellis

Recorded on Roll of Pensioners under act
February 2, 1848, Page 240 Vol. 2

------------ Sophia Leas Pension Card (back) -------------

She Sept. 16 - 1852 WB

------------ John Leas Pension Petition ------------------

Adams County On this 29th day of November 1832 did personally appear before the Honorable John Reed President and his appointees, Judges of the Court of Common Pleas is now sitting in and for the County of Adams in the State of Pennsylvania,

John Leas a resident of the County of Adams of [??] mind, aged seventy eight
years, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following
declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the Act of Congress [made?] June 7th 1832

That he enlisted in Berks County Pennsylvania where he then resided, in
February 1776 with Captain North, Caleb North as he believes, for one year and served in the Fourth Battalion of Infantry of the Pennsylvania Line, commanded by Major Hezcher as he believes in the Regiment commanded by Col Anthony Wayne, afterwards Gen. Wayne.

That shortly after he enlisted, he marched to Chester then Chester County, now
Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where he joined part of his Regiment, he remained there till May, when they marched to Philadelphia, then through New Jersey, and shipped over to Long Island where they were engaged for some time in throwing up and building Batteries, that in August they were taken up the River to Albany, and from there to Crownpoint, he remained at Crownpoint till towards Spring, when they were ordered to return to Pennsylvania; he thinks it must have been in February, as on their return they marched from [???] on the ice, they arrived at Chester Pennsylvania in Mar 1777 and he was then discharged, having served out the first term for which he enlisted.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension on our community except the present and he declares that his name is not on the pensin Roll or the agancy of any State.

Sworn & Subscribed 29th November
1832 in open Court John Leas
G. Welsh for atty.
and the Court do hereby ordain their opinion that aforenamed applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he stated. By the Court was Recd

David Sheffer

Pennsylv. Adams County [J?] George Welsh prothonorary of the Court of Common pleas of Adams County, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original for recordings of the Said Court in the matter of the application of John Leas for a pension.
In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal of office this 29th day of November 1832.

G. Welsh

------------ Catherine Delap Statement ------------------

State of Pennsylvania
Adams County

Personally appeared before me the subscriber one of the
Justices of the Peace in and for said county, Cathrine Delap
widow of John Delap formerly of the county afore
said deceased who upon her solemn affirmation
duly administered according to Law does depose
and say that she knew that her brother John Lease
the above applicant for a pension, enlisted in the
Regular Army of the United States in the year seven
teen hundred and seventy six as far as her
recollection serves her and that he served out a
term of one year. Under what officers and
by whom enlisted she know not.

Affirmed and subscribed her
before me the 21st day of Cathrine X Delap
November A.D. 1832 mark

Charles F. Keener Charles F. Keener certifies that Cathrine
Delap the above named witness is a credible
witness and being a respectable character.
Charles F. Keener

Adams County Pennsylvania, George Welsh prothonorary of the Court of Com
mon Pleas for said County of Adams do hereby certify
that Charles F. Keener Esq before whom the above
affidavit was made and to know is and being at
the time serving the court [???] of our Commonwealth
Justice of the Peace in and for said County of
Adams and confirmed and sworn to act of
such and that one for the [???] credit is given to all
official acts and [???] and that the signatures
affixed is his genuine signature.

In testimony thereof I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed the seal of said court at Gettysburg the 29th
day of November 1832.

G. Welsh

------------ John Leas Pension Brief ------------------

Brief in the case of John Leas of the County
of Adams in the State of Penn
(Act 7th June, 1832.)

1. Was the declaration made before a Court or Judge? Court

2. If before a Judge, does it appear that the applicant is disabled by
bodily infirmity?

3. How old is he? 78 years

4. State his service, as directed in the form annexed.

Period Duration of Service Rank Names of General and
Field Officers
under whom he

In 1776 Feby 1 Year Private Col. Wayne, Capt.

5. In what battles was he engaged? None

6. Where did he reside when he entered the service? Berks Cy.

7. Is his statement by living witnesses, by documentary proof, by
traditionary evidence, by
incidental evidence, or by the rolls? Depositions

8. Are the papers defective as to form or authentication? and if so, in
what respect?
No clergyman's certificates.

I certify thtat the foregoing statement and the answers agree with
the evidence in the
case above mentioned.


Examining Clerk

------------ Letter to Mrs. Carl W. Fleck ------------------

3, 1938

W. 2133
Mrs. Carl W. Fleck
Mr. Holly Springs

Dear Madam:

The data furnished herein were obtained from
papers on file in pension claim, W. 2133, based upon
the service of John Leas in the Revolutionary War.

The date and place of birth of John Leas were
not given, nor were the names of his parents stated.

While a resident of Berks County, Pennsylvania,
John Leas enlisted sometime in February, 1776, and
served one year as a private in Captain Caleb North's
company in Colonel Anthony Wayne's 4th Pennsylvania

He was allowed pension on his application
executed November 29, 1832, at time he was
seventy-eight years of age and living in Adams
County, Pennsylvania.

John Leas married February 6, 1780 in Hanover,
York County, Pennsylvania, Sophia; her maiden name
was not designated. He died May 20, 1847 in Adams
County, Pennsylvania.

His widow, Sophia Leas, was allowed pension on
her application executed April 10, 1851, at which
time she was living in Adams County, Pennsylvania,
aged ninety years "less three days". She died Sep-
tember 16, 1852.

------------ Letter to Mrs. Carl W. Fleck p.2 ------------------

The children of John Leas and his wife, Sophia:

Elizabeth born December 2, 1780
Benjamin " December 7, 1781
Sally or Sarah " December 28, 1782
Jacob " October 11, 1784
Margaret " October 21, 1786
Leonard " May 5, 1788

Also Susanna, Mary, George, Elizabeth, John, Rachel, and
William, whose ages were not given.

It was stated in 1851 that Elizabeth and Benjamin
Leas, the first two children, were deceased; and in
1851, Sally or Sarah was referred to Mrs. Sally or Sarah

Catherine Delass, sister of the soldier, John Leas,
in 1851 was the widow of John Delass and was then in
Adams County, Pennsylvania.

Very truly yours

Executive Assistant
to the Administrator

------------ Sophia Leas Pension Petition ------------------

State of Pennsylvania
County of Adams S.S.
On this tenth day of
April A.D. one thousand eight hundred and
fifty one, personally appeared before the
Hon Samuel R. Rupell, on of the Judges of
the Court of Common Pleas of the County of
Adams aforesaid Sophia Leas, a resident
of said County of Adams, aged ninety years less three days
who being duly sworn according to law, doth
on her oath, make the following Declatation
in order to otain the benefits of the existing
Acts of Congress, or such of them as may be
applicable to her case to wit that her
husband John Leas now deceased, was a
private in the Pennsylvania line in the War
of the Revolution, and resided in Hanover
in York County in the State of
Pennsylvania that he was pensioned by the
United States under the Act of June 7th 1832
at the rate of forty dollars per year for his life
and that he continued to receive said pension
until his death. She further celares that
she was married to the said John Leas on the
6th day of February 1780 at the Town
of Hanover in 'said' County of York, but
that she has no records of said marriage
that she continued to live with said John
Leas, to the time of his death; and that the
said John Leas her husband died in Adams
County aforesaid on the twentieth day of
May, 1847. She further swears that she is
now a widow and has never before made
any application for a pension - and further
that by reason of old age and bodily infirmities
she is now unable to appear in open Court

------------ Sophia Leas Pension Petition page 2 -------------

for the purpose of making this her declaration.

Sworn to & Subscribed
on the day and year above
written before me, one of her
the Judges of said Court Sophia X Leas
of Common Pleas of the mark
County of Adams and State
of Pennsylvania
and certify that from bodily infirmity, the
said Sophia Leas, can not conveniently attend
Court, and that I believe her to be the wid-
ow of John Leas, a deceased Revolutionary pensioner
as she herein above states.
J. R. Rufsell

State of Pennsylvania
County of Adams S.S.
On this tenth day of
April A.D. 1851 personally appeared before
me Samuel R. Russell, one of the Judges of
the Court of Common Pleas of said County of
Adams, Daniel Cline and George Guise
residents of said County of Adams, who being
first duly sworn according to law, declare that
Sophia Leas, who make the above Declaration
is the widow of John Leas deceased, who was
a private in the Pennsylvania Line, in the war
of the Revolution, and who was a pensioner
of the United States in right of his services and
that they long knew the said John and Sophia
Leas, that they form many years lived together
as man and wife, and were always believed
to be lawfully married - that they raised a
large family of children - and that one of their

------------ Sophia Leas Pension Petition ------------------

children still living Mr. Sarah or Sally Hartzel is between 69 and
seventy years of age - that her husband John Leas
died in said County of Adams, on the
twentieth day of May, A.D. 1847; and that she
is still a widow - and they swear that
they are disinterested witnesses - and the said
Daniel Cline further saith that he after the
decease of the said John Leas, made proof of
his death - and that the said Sophia Leas
who makes the foregoing Declaration is the
identical person who was the wife of said
John Leas deceased, and continues his widow.

Affirmed and subscribed
before me, Judge as aforesaid Daniel Cline
this 10th day of April A.D. George Guise
1851 - and I hereby certify
that said deprovents are
credible witnesses.
J. R. Russell

State of Pennsylvania
County of Adams S.S.
On this tenth day of
April A.D. 1851, came before me one of the
Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams
County aforesaid, Daniel Cline Esq., a resident
of said County, and made oath that he has
examined and copied the family record, con-
tained in a bible in the possession of Sophia Leas
the above declarant, where the following entry
appears as follows

Elizabeth Leas was born 2 day of December in the year 1780
Benjamin Leas born 7 day of Dec in the year 1781
Sally Leas was born 28th day of Decemebr in the year 1782
Jacob Leas was born 11th day of October in the year 1784
Margaret Leas was born 21 day of October n the year 1786
Leonard Leas was born 5th day of May in the year 1788
(and in the same manner entried of the births
of Susanna, Mary, George, Elizabeth, John, Rachel
and William Leas).

And he verily believes the same,which purports
to be an original family record of the births of
children of said Sophia Leas and John Leas, the
deceased pensioner, to be a true family record
of the births of the children of said Sophia and
John Leas - and that the first two of said
children, Elizabeth and Benjamin Leas, are
deceased - and that he knows the said Sally
Leas, Jacob, Margaret and Leonard Leas personally
and that they have always been reputed and considered
as the children & lawful issue of said John and
Sophia leas - and that he believes them to have
been born and to be of the ages which said
record indicates -------. Daniel Cline

this 10th day of April A.D.
1851, before me; and I
certify that I saw the said
Daniel Cline Esq, take the
said copy from the said family
record in the family bible
in the possession of the said
Sophia Leas, widow of said John Leas, said deceased
pensioner, and that the said copy is correct, and
I believe the said record to be a true and bona fine
record of the births of the children of the said Sophia
Leas the Declarant and John Leas the deceased pensioner.

J.R. Russell

Leas Letter # 7:

To: Mr. Jacob Leas

Adams County, PA
November 25, 1843

Dear Children,
I now take the liberty of informing you that we are all well at present and
all the rest of our friends as far as I can tell thanks be to the Almighty.
My eyes are weak and still getting weaker.

I received your lines dated the 15th of last month and read them with great
joy to hear of you and that you were all well then and you mentioned in
yours that you intended to come again Spring.

Leonard wrote some time ago that had some money for me; how to get it in I
don't know. I wish you to go to him and lift the money and send it to me
by a trusty person. Michael Warner may come in or send it by some other

Further I ask you to write John Leas that I have received ten dollars of
Rudolph Spangler and I want John to go to Jonas Spangler and settle with
him for the same and then to write me a letter how it is. [Note: this is
one of those Dutchy sounding statements I mentioned].

Furthermore I will tell you a little about the times here. They are hard.
It is a hard matter for some people to have as much money as will pay their
taxes at this time. Wheat can be bought at 87 ct pr bushel by the load.
Rye 25 to 27 ct, corn 31 to 35 ct, oats 20 to 25 ct.
But there is no selling for cash, the most business is trade. As trade
and the Sheriff Sales are still in ____________ for the last 12 months back
how times is going to be is hard to tell yet. No more at present but our
best respects to one and all of you.

John Leas

Re: Leas Letter #8

This letter should be read as
| To Jacob Leas in Ohio
From John Leas in:
| Tyrone Township

| Adams County, PA
| February 24th, 1845
| Dear Children,
| I now take the liberty of informing you that I received yours dated the
| of this (?month).
| Further as for ourselves we have not been well for some time back as for
| the rest of our
| children and friends here are all well as far as I can tell at present.
| Further, you ask me where to pay that money - right, it is your Sophiah
| and John's Elizabeth, each the sum of 10 dollars, that is if you get it
| in your hands. Further if Warner can't pay the principal I would wish
| to try to get the interest of him that is due on them notes.
| I am surprised that there is none writes to me but you. It would appear
| that the rest of our children don't care for us old people or else they
| would write now and then.
| We have had a very open winter, snow aplenty but it did not last no
| Jacob, you are to pay $10 to John Leases son john out of my money.
| No more at present but our best respects to you all.

| John Leas

Pennsylvania Archives
By Samuel Hazard, John Blair Linn, William Henry Egle, George Edward Reed, Thomas Lynch Montgomery, Gertrude MacKinney, Charles Francis Hoban, Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth, Pennsylvania Dept. of Public Instruction, Pennsylvania State Library
Published by s.n., 1880


JANUARY 3, 1776'97JANUARY 24, 1777.

8-Voi.. X.

On the 17th, Col. Wayne enclosed a return "amounting in the whole to five hundred and sixty, officers included, ten commissioned officers are absent with their recruits, what number I cannot determine, but apprehend that the battalion must be complete. Capt. Taylor has not yet arrived with his company, but included in above. I have only twelve rifles and twenty muskets, and am in want of every other article."

On the 22d, Congress ordered him to march each company, as soon as equipped, to New York. For want of arms, only three companies-Robinson's, Church's, and Lacey's-could be forwarded. These arrived in New York, under command of Major Haussegger, on the 28th of March. This "detachment of the Fourth Penn'a battalion," as it was called, was, on the 7th of April, placed in Lord Stirling's brigade, and stationed on the shore at Caldwell's, on Long Island. On the 24th, it was assigned to the Fourth brigade, Gen. Greene. (This was fortunate for John Leas since on the 28th five companies of Lord Stirling's brigade were either killed or captured).

On the 26th, Col. Wayne arrived at New York, and taking command, immediately dispatched Major Haussegger to Philadelphia, to bring on the other five companies.

On the 27th, Wayne received orders to prepare his detachment for embarking for Albany. Two companies left New York on the 2d of May, and were in Albany with the colonel on the 10th.

A return, dated at Ticonderoga, October 19, shows present all the field officers; all the captains, except Robinson, absent from September 21; Capt. Moore sick, and absent from October 14; all the first lieutenants, except one of Moore's company; all the second lieutenants, except Lieut. Barckloy ; all the ensigns; all the staff, thirty-two sergeants, thirteen drums and fifes, three hundred rank and file fit for duty, one hundred and thirty-eight sick present, twenty-three sick absent, twenty-eight on command; total, five hundred and sixty-three. Of the officers present, Captain North, Lieuts. McClintock, Kimmell, and Seely, were sick.

The term of enlistment of this battalion expired on the 5th of January, 1777, but it remained over its time until the 24th of January, 1777, to allow troops to come in and take its place.

An inquisition, dated February 17,1777, now on file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, addressed to the Council of Safety, sets forth "that an unhappy accident happened on the 16th instant, at a certain Alexander McCalla's, in Charlestown township, Chester county, to wit: the accidental death of Charles Clinton Beatty, second lieutenant to Capt. Thomas Church's company, of the Fourth battalion, commanded by Col. Anthony Wayne ; and as there is no legal way of proceeding in cases of accidental death, thought it expedient to call upon the chairman of committee to qualify evidence, and call and empannel a jury. We, therefore, of the jury find that his death was accidental by a shot from Capt. Caleb North's fusee, not apprehending it to be charged." Signed by Capt. Thomas Church and eleven others.

A large proportion of the privates reenlisted for three years, or during the war, under Col. Francis Johnston, in the Fifth Penn'a, where their names may be found. Those who did not reenlist were marched to Chester, and discharged on the 25th of February, 1777.


[ This Roll is incomplete.]


North, Caleb, commissioned January 5, 1776; promoted major Tenth Penn'a.


North, George, promoted ensign of Robinson's company October 12, 1776.
Hayes, Arthur.
Guest, James.
Longwell, Matthew.


Banks, George.
Smith, Valentine.
Beggs, Arthur.
Davis, Thomas.


Burns, John.


Berkheimer, Bashan.
Bolebaugh, Matthew.
Boyer, Jacob.
Connor, Matthew.
Curtin, John.
Deeder, John.
Deel, Peter.
Dentlinger, Martin.
Dathrow, Jacob.
Edleman, William.
Gold, George.
Grimes, Joshua.
Heffner, John.
Himmelwright, John.
Hollam, Samuel.
Honstein, Frederick.
Horton, Ephraim.
Howen, Jeremiah.
Kine, John.
Kobble, John.
Leas, John
Leeson, Robert.
Leonard, Richard.
Lercy, John.
Logan, Andrew.
McCown, John.
McFange, Hugh.
McSwine, Dennis.
Mote, Jacob.
Neill, Samuel.
Quinn, Patrick.
Roads, John.
Saylor, John.
Shull, Baltzer.
Simmons, John.
Speelman, Conrad.
Tolan, Cornelins.

Biography of the Captain who commanded John Leas in Revolutionary War:


Caleb North

NORTH, Caleb, soldier, born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, 15 July, 1753; died in Philadelphia, 7 November, 1840. He was a merchant at Coventry, Pennsylvania, at the beginning of the Revolution, at which time, it is said, he hired a British deserter to teach him the manual of arms. He was a captain in the 4th battalion and served in the Canada campaign, when on his return from Ticonderoga he was promoted to major of the 10th regiment, and as such rendered important service. At Paoli, by the par-titular exertions of General Anthony Wayne, Major North, and Captain Stout, a rear-guard was formed by which two pieces of cannon and the remainder of the brigade were saved. He was detached the same night to direct the retreat of General William Smallwood, and a vidette was killed by his side. After taking part in the battle of Germantown, he was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the 11th Pennsylvania regiment and was in the battle of Monmouth. In July, 1778, he was transferred to the 9th Pennsylvania, and in January, 1781, to the 2d, with which he took part in the southern campaign. After the surrender of Cornwallis he had charge of the British prisoners on their march from Virginia to York and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, conducting Tarleton's noted legion to Philadelphia. He retired from the army at the close of the war, resumed business at Coventry, and subsequently removed to Philadelphia, where in 1819 he was chosen high-sheriff. From 1828 until his death he was president of the Society of Cincinnati in Pennsylvania, being the last survivor of the field-officers of the Pennsylvania line.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. Stuart

Whereas John Leas of Tyrone Township, Adams County in Pennsylvania being of sound mind and memory Calling to mind the Certainty of Death and the Uncertainty of life have made …my will and testament Revoking and Disanulling all Other will or wills before by me made this only to be my last will and testament in Manner & form following Viz Imprimis, first, I commit my Sole to God who gave it to me and my body to be deacently buried at the Discreation of my Executors after all funeral Charges and Other worldly debts Everywhere to be paid I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Sophia all that is in my house where I now live in, as long as she lives if she sees proper, Citchen furniture and the Stoves Clock and Case and all the beds if she sees proper Corner Cober and Desk and dresser and all the Rest of the property in the house if she sees proper to keep them till after her Death. I do alow my wife to live in the house wherein I now live if she sees proper and shall have the same privilidge as I my self had and I do allow my wife to keep two cows if she sees proper and do allow my son William to live on the Old place and to give his Mother the third of all that he Reases that is Wheat Rye Corn Oats flax buckwheat and poetatoes. Said William he is to provide for his mother the fire would, he is to git it Chopt and haul it and Chopt fit for the Stove and said William is to provide for his Mother o of beef and a hundred weat of pork and I do alow by beloved wife yearly one hundred Dollars out of the income of my Estate as long as she lives and I do alow my son William to have three hundred dollars more than any of the Rest of my Children that is out of my Estate for his trouble that is if he takes care of his Mother until her Deceas. I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Sally the interest of one thousand Dollars as long as she lives out of my Estate and after her Deceas then that Thousand Dollars falls back to my Children that is a liven Share and Share a like. I do give and bequeath to my Son George in part of hislegicee Six hundred Dollars for his share and his Daughter Chistena four houndred dollars for Share in full out of my Estate. I do give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Six hondred Dollars out of my Estate that is with what she has got, and George likewise out of my Estate. I do give and bequeath to to my four sons one thousand Dollars apice that is with what they have got already , out of my Estate. I will now name them Jacob Leonard John and William Leas. Each one Shall have the $1000. Appease. I do give and bequeath to my three Daughters Eight hundred Dollars a pice with what they have got out of my Estate share and share alike. I will name them now Margret Susanna and Elizabeth to have Share and Share alike. I do give and bequeath to my grand Children that we stood for them when they were baptized. I will name them now David Hartzel, John Taughenbaugh John L. Slaybaugh, John Leas and Elizabeth of John Leas and Sophia of Jacob Leas I give and bequeath the five Each one ten dollars except John L. Slaybaugh fifty Dollars out of my Estate that is after my wife's Deceast and the land all sold and the money arising from said sales then I Order my Exetors to make sale of my Real and Persinel property as soon as He seas proper and to make a divide with the moneys of shars what is mention above, and all got the shars and all sold. What Ever is left then of an over plosh shall be Divied among my Children that is a living Share and Share alike I do alow my Exutors to make a devide with the money or the bonds as to sute them best and I dow allow my Exutors after my wifes Decease that they shall have full power and athorety to sell as soon as they see proper all my Real Astate and make and Execute as good a Deed of Conveyance for the same to the purchaser as I myself might or Cold do in my lifetime. I Constiture and appoint my son William Leas and my trusty friend Jacob Fring to act and see the accomplishment of this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning there of. In testimony where of I have here to set my hand this Twenty Eight day of December One Thousand Eight hundred and thirty Nine - 1839

Signed Sealed and Delivered by the Said John Leas

  Noted events in his life were:

• Revolutionary War Soldier: Revolutionary War Pension Applications. 2

John married Sophia Ziegler, daughter of Johann George Ziegler and Anna Margareta Hamspacher, on 6 Feb 1780 in Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, USA. (Sophia Ziegler was born on 13 Apr 1761 in York, York County, Pennsylvania USA,3 died on 16 Sep 1852 in Tyrone Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA and was buried in Upper Bermudian Church Cemetery, Gardners, Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA.)


1 Notes from David A. Leas and/or the 1950 Leas Family Genealogy.

2 FamilySearch.org, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Applications Files (www.familysearch.org : accessed 22 Apr 2011).

3 Jacquelyn Ballance - ancestry.com.

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